Combination water softener and whole house dechlorinator.
In addition to softening the water, it also provides dechlorinated water by allowing the water to pass through dedicated media chambers that are filled with activated carbon. This model is commonly used in homes supplied with municipally chlorinated water where customers want to bathe in chlorine-free water. This Kinetico Water Softener/Dechlorinator has many design features which provide the end user with superior product enjoyment, ease-of-use, efficiency, and longevity. Some of the design benefits are summarized below. For more information on this product, please click on the product specific literature on this page.
The Kinetico Water Softener/Dechlorinator uses the kinetic energy of moving water to power its systems instead of electricity. The non-electric design means no computers or time-clocks. You never have to worry about complex computer or timer settings.
The Kinetico Water Softener/Dechlorinator has a twin tank design which allows the system to do its self-cleaning process without ever going offline. You get around the clock soft water and never have to worry about capacity issues. Do five loads of laundry, or fifteen, in a single day and never worry about running out of treated water. Kinetico Water Softener/Dechlorinators produce soft, chlorine-free water 24 hours a day.
The Kinetico Water Softener/Dechlorinator uses soft water during its entire self-cleaning process, including brine rinse and backwash. This results in greatly extended system life and efficiency. The Kinetico Water Softener/Dechlorinator offers you high flow rates throughout your house, savings on regenerant and water, and installation flexibility.
View or Download: Kinetico Q850 Datasheet
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